domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Clases inversas Tercero primaria

People of Third year!
Please watch this video at home.
On Thursday we wiil talk about it. we will talk about there is and there isn't in the kitchen.

Pay special attention at:
 1.06, when we can see what's inside the draws.. Stop the video and try to say what there is and there are.
1.21 a lot of new ingrediendts appear. How do we say them? with there is or there are?
My Disney Kitchen

En casa mirad este vídeo. En clase hablaremos de lo que hay y de lo que no hay, pero tenemos que contarlo con there is y there are.
Prestad mucha atención en estos tiempos:

1.06 ¿Qué hay dentro de los cajones? ¿Lo decimos con there is o there are?

1.21 Aparecen nuevos ingredientes. ¿Decimos there is o there are?

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

A new project is coming!

Yes! we are now working with a school in the USA!
Soon you will learn more about this bicultural project