martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Unit one notes

In this unit we are working with three tenses (tiempos verbales) which are:

Past simple
Past Continuous
Present perfect

Past simple
In the affirmative we only use word. (simple, remember?)
We have to see if the verb is regular or irregular:

But in the negative and the interrogative, we use DID


We use the past simple for short actions (with a long action in past continuous)

We also use the past simple to give details about something we did in the past (giving details to a questions with Have you ever.....)

Past continuous

It always has two words: (was/ were and ING)

In the negative and the interrogative we don't write DID.

Use of the Past Continuous

To describe a long action.

Do you remember this image?

We have a short action (in past simple)
"When the accident happened ....
And some long actions (in past continuous)
.... we were having a party".

Present perfect
It has two words:
have /has (here they mean "Haber") and a past participle

To write the past participle we have to pay attention to regular and irregular verbs:

Use of the present perfect

- To say we have the experience of doing something

-  To ask about details we use the past simple

Important words used with the Present perfect

Yet always goes at the end of a sentence.

In the negative: it means "todavía"

In the interrogative: it means "YA"

Already goes before the past particicle
I have already played
Already means "YA"
We are going to use it in the affirmative

(but it is sometimes used in the interrogative to show surprise)

Unit 1

To help you with the homework:

Present perfect: